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Based on fundamental equity research and behavioural finance, Magadh Capital aim for long term wealth creation for our investors by delivering healthy and consistent returns in the world class funds that we run with high level of integrity. In this pursuit we intend to keep interests of all stake holders (investors, investment managers, employees and third-party service providers) largely aligned with investors’ interests being the core focus of our business. Magadh Capital keeps our investors’ interests at the centre of everything that we do. We invests in Indian listed equity markets based on the conventional style of fundamental-research based investing. The firm has been set up by a professional with rich experience in investment industry and other industries in senior positions, and with a solid academic background. Magadh Capital’s investors are typically HNI (High Net worth Individuals), family offices, corporates and financial institutions.

 Corporate Address - 0 - 801, Floor 8- Tower 1, Terra, Planet Godrej, Keshavrao Khadye Marg,Saat Rasta, Jacob Circle, Mumbai Maharashtra 400011
  Contact Person - Mr. Vipul Prasad
  Contact Number - 9821627938
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  SEBI Number - INP000007155
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