Edelweiss Focused Mid & Small Cap Portfolio
Edelweiss Focused Mid & Small Cap Portfolio* was ranked 2nd with a 4 Star rating by PMS Bazaar for FY 20-21
The Opportunity
- Globally, investors are rewarded for investing in smaller companies
- Mid & Small Caps across major economies have outperformed the large cap indices

Story is the same in India
But can you look at only returns and ignore the risk?

Mid & Small-caps provide better conversion rates for stock picking
Not if you consider risk to be lower chances of conversion rates

From 2007-2021, on an Average Mid Cap (31%) & Small caps (36%) has more percentage of stocks which has delivered >15% CAGR than Large caps (26%)
vAvoiding mistakes is key
NSE500 failure rates vary but performance can be strong if avoided

Underestimated benefit of diversificationinto mid-caps
Yes, large-caps provide downside protection but introducing mid-caps into the portfolio mitigates risk

Are valuations really more expensive?
Long term valuation cycles are impossible to call but wealth generation is always linked to earnings growth

PMS benefits & Our edge
Benefits of PMS platform
- Best ideas in a focused portfolio
- Portfolio transparency
- Taxable in investors hand
- Returns unaffected by cashflows
Why Edelweiss PMS ?
- Cross seeding of knowledge across platforms
- Best Industry access
- Process oriented and mandate conscious
- Strong track record over multiple funds
- Experienced investment team with over a decade forensic experience
Edelweiss Focused Mid & Small Cap Portfolio – Fund Overview
- Invests in unique and established business models
- Risk conscious investing
- Systematic process driven approach
- 3+ year investment horizon
What we won’t do!

Investment Philosophy

Risk management framework

Stringent stock selection process

Aggregate Portfolio

Top 10 Performing stocks

Portfolio Metrics

Fund Terms
Strategy Name Edelweiss Focused Mid & Small Cap Portfolio Portfolio Manager Edelweiss Asset Management Limited Regulation SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020 Benchmark Nifty Mid Smallcap 400 TRI Minimum Investment INR 50 Lakhs Management fee Fixed Fee Option : 2.5% per annum charged monthly on average AUM Variable Fee Option : 1.5% per annum charged monthly on average AUM Performance fee Fixed Fee Option : NIL Variable Fee Option : 20% of profits over 15% (incremental) - ( subject to high watermark) Hurdle rates are pre-tax, performance fees billed at fiscal year subject to completion of 6M Subscription Daily Redemption Daily Exit Load 2% under 1 year , 1% under 2 years, 0.75% under 3 years